All posts by Amy Rossing
Latest Projects
Lakota Water Company and its Central Texas franchise continue to have exciting rainwater projects in the works. From all over the state of Texas to as far as Belize, projects focus on large-scale commercial and residential systems as well as systems for agricultural needs and fire protection.
Many of our new construction projects will be “rainwater only” while others will tie into an existing water source, such as a well, and use our automated backup feature. Most include systems which stir and sanitize the water over and above the sterilization methods, keeping the drinking water pristine and free of any microorganisms. A quality gutter screen is always a must to keep gutters and tanks free of debris and other contaminants.
Solar-powered equipment is also being incorporated into several systems along with NFPA-approved brass fire connections from which local fire departments may draft in case of fire on the property.
Rainwater at Tito’s Gardens
Rainwater will be collected from the newest Tito’s Handmade Vodka Distillery in Austin, Texas to be stored in Pioneer Water Tanks America. This project was designed and managed by Lakota Water Company for a sustainable water source for their employee gardens.
Rainwater Harvesting in West Texas
Some say “Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!” but when the Lakota Water Company crew recently traveled to Fluvanna, Texas it was roaming coyotes, mammoth rattlesnakes, and daily sandstorms which kept them company.
With 80-mph winds as part of the norm in this region, the Lakota crew realized their rainwater collection system would need some extra help. By reinforcing the structural support on the 40,000-gallon system’s piping into the tank, they ensured the integrity of the system.

The crew agreed it was all worth it thanks to the giant, homemade cinnamon rolls and breakfast provided by homeowners John and Jetta. In addition, these fine folks collected a foot of rain the night the crew left — after getting no rain the past 6 months!

Rainwater or Well Water Troubleshooting
Lakota Water Company regularly receives calls from new homeowners needing help with the water system that came with the property, whether it is a large-scale rainwater collection system or hard well water. Other callers have been in their home awhile but their rainwater or water treatment system is beginning to need maintenance. Oftentimes, these callers just can’t get anyone to respond.
One thing that sets Lakota apart is our ability (and willingness) to troubleshoot. With over 30 years in the water industry, we’ve seen it all, and if no one else is servicing your water system (be sure the work isn’t still under warranty), we are happy to discuss your needs. This includes tank cleanings, water testing, and rainwater collection system inspections.
Give us a call.
Water Softener Alternative
Lakota Water Company is now the Central Texas dealer for a new water treatment product call the Ecoflow Water Conditioner.
While we are most known for our rainwater collection (harvesting) services, many of our rainwater customers have alternative water sources as a backup. Naturally, they want this secondary source of water to match the quality of their rainwater as closely as possible. Treating the hardness of the backup water supply is one of the primary goals, so most people assume they need a water softener.
The Ecoflow unit is a small canister that replaces the need for a water softener. It uses a fraction of the storage space and permanently changes hard water through a 3-step process. It protects appliances from corrosion, removes the need for salt, reduces hard water spotting and scale build-up, and is environmentally friendly!
Visit our Water Treatment Testimonials or the see the last page of the Ecoflow brochure for the latest feedback from our customers.
Solar Power and Rainwater Collection
Being an environmentally-conscious business, Lakota Water Company (LWC) enjoyed the opportunity to incorporate solar energy into one of its large-scale rainwater collection systems. This property in the Hill Country of Texas included a new home with several outbuildings, pastures, and orchards. All required a viable source of water. While the property did have an existing well, its production was extremely limited, often leaving the homeowners and crops without water.
Along with the design and installation of a whole-house use collection system off the roof of the new home, we also utilized the land as a primary collection area for the crops. Targeting the central low point of the property, we created a design which included a liner, excavation, and dike construction of the low area. This increased the storage capacity to over a million gallons!
With this “pond” collection area being remotely located, electricity and the conveyance of water to the points of use became the next challenge. A solar-powered submersible pump capable of providing pressurized water to all points of use was installed. The property owner is now enjoying great results with his orchard production!
Rainwater Installation on Rocky, Sloped Terrain
This was one of the more interesting projects for Lakota Water Company. We contracted to design and install a whole-house use rainwater collection system for a Wimberley, TX home that had a 4,500 sq.ft. roof area. Rock croppings, trees, and sloping terrain made for a challenging design that required a lot of creativity and experience. The back of the house had an 1,100-square foot wooden deck running the length of the home. We envisioned eliminating the home’s deck flooring and installing a 36,000-gallon poured-in-place concrete tank in its place. The top of the tank became the stained concrete floor of the home’s new back deck and all collection piping from the home’s gutters fed into this reservoir. After completion of the rainwater system, the happy homeowner decided to finish out the exterior concrete tank walls with a masonry stone facade matching the existing home.